Na jeseň roku 1972 sa v Louisiane vo vrhu stredne velkéhoratterriera,narodila bezsrstá fenka s hodvábnou ružovou kožou a čiernymi fľakmi. Kedže jej majitelia ani netušili, čo s takýmto zvlástnymsteňatom robiť, darovali ho svojim známimWillie a EdwinoviScottovím.
Štena dostalo meno Josephine. Manželia Scottoví začali uvažovať o ďalšom chove tohto unikátneho psa. Radili sa dokonca aj s univerzitnými vedcami, ale kazdý ich odbil tým, že by to bola len strata času, že je to jednoducho nemožné. Povedali im, že Josephine bola len vrtoch prírody a nexistuje spôsob ako reprodukovať jej bezsrstú charakteristiku.Oni však nie nepovažovali za uspokojujúcu odpoveď a pokračovali vo svojom pláne rozmnožovať ju.
Keď mala Josephine rok narodili sa jej 4 štenatá.Ale len jedno z nich bolo bezsrsté.
V nasledujúcich rokoch mala niekolko ďalších vrhov,avšak ani jedno bezsrsté šteňa. Až 30.decembra 1981 vo veku 9 rokov, vo svojom poslednom vrhu,po párení s vlastnym synom, vrhla Josephine 1 bezsrstú fenku /Jemima/ a 1 psa Snoopy/ , ako aj 2 osrstené fenky /Petunia a Queenie/. Scottovím sa splnil sen. Za pomoci svojich veterinárov boli pripravení pustiť sa v plnom rozsahu do chovu. Snoopynakril svoje sestri.Jemime sa narodil vrh bezsrstých mládat a jej sestrám aj bezsrté aj ostrstenéštenatá.Scottoví založili chovnú stanicu “TroutCreekKennel“.
Spočiatku Amerických Bezsrstých Teriérov evidovali ako bezsrstú variantu rat teriérov.
1.januára 2004 bol tento teriér uznaný ako samostatné plemeno – „Americký bezsrstý teriér /American HairlessTerrier- AHT/ V maďarsku je toto plemeno známe pod menom Amerikaimeztelenterrier a v taliansku pod menom canonudoamericano. Plemeno sa delí na variantu holú a osrstenú. Obe varianty sú uznávané a na výstavách posudzované oddelene.
Prví „Američania“, boli dovezení do Európy v roku 2003 a to konkrétne do Fínska.
zdroj: troucreekennel
The history of the American HairlessTerrierbeganautumn of 1972, a small female puppy was born into a litter of midsizeRatTerriers. She had silky, pink skin with largeblackspots. Not knowingexactlywhat to do with this different puppy, the ownersdecided to give her to theirfriends, Willie and EdwinScott. Littledid they know at the time that this unusuallittlepup would be the beginning of a new and uniquebreed.
The Scottsnamedtheir new pupJosephine, and shequicklycaught the hearts of the entirefamily. She proved to be the perfectpet with her intelligent, lively and loyalmanner. Beinghairless also meanttherewere no fleas and no dog hair to vacuumup or brushoff. This was a definite plus for the new familyaddition. They didfindout that Josephine’ssmooth and silky skin would needprotection from the hot Louisiana sun. She turnedout to be a verybrightlittle dog that loved to travel and make new friendswherevershewent. The ScottstreasuredJosephine and becameinterested in breeding her and producing more hairless puppies.
They had owneddogs in the past, but were not familiar with breeding. That wasn’tgoing to stop them, though. With her cleannature, alert and lovingpersonality, Josephinewas the perfecthouse dog and they couldn’timagineowninganyotherkind of dog. They began to talk about theirplans to anyonewho would listen, including universityscientists. They received the sameanswereach and everytime: “You’ll just be wasting your time, it can’t be done…”They weretold that Josephinewassimply a freak of nature and that therewas no way that she would reproduce the hairlesstrait. But Willie and Edwincouldn’ttake no for ananswer and wentahead with theirplans to breed her.
At the age of one year, Josephinewasbred to her sire and sheproduced a litter of four puppies. Three of the pupswerecoated, and one was a hairless female named Gypsy.
In the years that followed, Josephine had severallitters, but none with anyhairless puppies. On December 30, 1981, whenJosephinewasnineyearsold and still in good health, she had her finallitter after beingbred to her son. She whelped a hairlessmale, a hairless female, and twocoated female puppies. This successfullitterproducedSnoopy, Jemima, Petunia, and Queenie. The Scotts’ dreamswerebecoming a reality, and on that day they witnessed the birth of the American HairlessTerrierbreed.
The Scottswerenowready to embark on a fullscalebreeding program with help from veterinarians. Snoopywasbred to all of hislitter-matesonce they reached one year of age. Jemimaproduced a litter of allhairlesspups and the ScottswereoverjoyedwhenPetunia’s and Queenie’slittersproducedbothhairless and coated.
They keptall of the pups and the housewasquicklybecomingcrowded. They had no choice but to build the kennel that adjoinedtheirhouse. The Scottswerenow on theirway and namedtheirkennel “TroutCreekKennel.”
origin: troucreekennel